My daughter is in preschool now. Every day I leave from work and get to her school with about 25 minutes to wait for her class to get out. So I sit there and bead while I wait. The teachers have noticed me doing that and asked for some lanyards (ID badge holders you wear like a necklace). So I've started a new line of them for Kintera Arts. This is the first - Calypso. It includes a key ring for keeping any work related keys on. The key ring and badge clip are easily removable so that the bead work can also be worn as a necklace. Many more to come.

These projects look great. I just found a new website called They have great prices and good selection of beads and jewelry making supplies. They are running free shipping promo - check it out.
Great blog, some really interesting stuff. I recently come across a new blog from cookson too which has lots of useful tips, great site too.
I'm glad that I happened across this site. I work with youth in Scouting and these types of crafts will work great for our studies of Indian Lore. Often I buy beads for our crafts but these ideas will help me to round out our program.
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